PESQUISA-Refereed & Indexed Research Journal

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ISSN 2455-0736 (Print)       ISSN 2456-4052 (Online)

                ‘PESQUISA’ the Journal of Research is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and multilingual international journal devoted to the promotion of theoretical, empirical and pragmatic research works. We promote quality research articles done by scholars, students and teachers all over the world.

 Submission of a paper to this journal will be taken to imply that it represents original work not previously published, that it is not being considered elsewhere for publication and that if accepted for publication it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the consent of editor and publisher. The journal accepts and publishes articles from multi disciplinary subjects; multilingual is limited to English, Malayalam and Hindi.

Peer Review Process (Modified).

We believe in the quality of research articles. There fore ‘PESQUISA’ designed four steps in the peer review process, with a view to ensure quality. The process starts two months before the publication of articles through a ‘call for research papers’. Received articles will be processed under Four stages.

  1. Scrutiny of articles to ensure the minimum quality for peer review. Articles of minimum standard will be selected for blind peer review.
    Blind Peer Review: Article will be send to at least two experts without revealing the identity of the author. The identity of the experts are also not revealed to the author. Reviewers are also provided with a list of questions that are to be answered. 
  2. Articles recommended by the peer reviewer shall be forwarded to the corresponding desk of the editorial board for final confirmation.
  3. Articles suggested for modification by the peer reviewers shall be forwarded to the author with peer review commends.
  4. Chief editor with editorial panel will make the final selection of article.
  5. Those articles selected by the editorial board, will be published both in ‘PESQUISA (online) and PESQUISA (print).

Ethical Policy of Pesquisa

PESQUISA- the International PeerReviewed Multi-disciplinary Research Journal from Western Ghats is committed to uphold the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures to curb publication malpractices of any kind.

The mission of this journal is to provide a platform for prompt publication of new concepts that will lead to an improvement in thinking of various issues in front of the researchers and to promote research and its literature for the development of the world.We consider acquiring knowledge as the right of every person. Our philosophy therefore induces to spread the acquired knowledge without any restrictions. So we charge no fee for the publication of papers or downloading articles from ‘Pesquisa’.

Our editorial board consists of doctors of high repute and recognition from diverse fields of research, who serve voluntarily without any pecuniary motives. Thus we are coordinating a team of editors with same spirit. We also have a panel of peer-review team, who are experts in the given area. All the editors and peer-reviewers are eminent persons with high academic interest and provides voluntary service to the journal as well as the authors.

We strive to ensure that every peer-reviewed research article appearing in the Pesquisa is “open access”, meaning that:

-The article is universally and freely accessible via the Internet, in an easily readable format.

 -The author(s) or copyright owner(s) irrevocably grant(s) to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate the research article in its entirety or in part, in any format or medium, provided that no substantive errors are introduced in the process, proper attribution of authorship and correct citation details are given, and that the bibliographic details are not changed. If the article is reproduced or disseminated in part, this must be clearly and unequivocally indicated.

All (co)author(s) are responsible for its content and its originality. All authors submitting their articles to the journal for publication has to submit a mandatory declaration in this regard. Generally we accept articles from post graduates only. As a policy publication of articles are made free, as to ensure that money will not be a consideration for accepting articles. We make sure that the articles are mailed from the author’s own formal email. We also make sure the authenticity of the author through author verification.

The call for paper is made before two months of publication. After thirty days of time, the received articles along with author declaration and author profile are evaluated by a team of experts. Then the article will be coded and send for blind peer review. The identity of the author will be hidden to Peer Review experts, and also to the author. The experts are provided with a set of pre-fixed standard questions, and it will be communicated to the author. Any corrections/rejections, along with peer review comments will be informed to the author through email. Language correction is not part of the peer review process, but reviewers may, if so wish, suggest corrections to the manuscript. Modified articles will be submitted to the editorial board for final confirmation. The authors have to modify the articles based on the corrections made by them. If accepted by the editorial board for the publication, shall be published.

